In Strängnäs, about an hour outside of Stockholm, you will find the fantastic excursion destination Osprey Farm & Studio. Here they work for an open countryside by combining architecture, crafts and cultivation. In cultivation, the goal is to grow organic and nutritious food to the local market through the “no dig” method.
At the studio their utensils and ceramics are created in various clays and techniques. Here you can also try making something of your own with clay and ceramics.
The studio on the picture above will be finished spring 2023.
Paul's Good Food Selection
“At Osprey Farm, they have managed to build a fantastic community with a lot of ongoing exciting projects, with everything from ceramics to cultivation to food. They also have a really cool pop-up restaurant in the garden during the summers, where I myself have been at some point. It really is a super cool experience.”
Lisen's Good Food Selection
Lisens hidden gem is long lunch at Osprey Farm & Studio.